Bachelor- and Master-projects

Our work combines aspects of modern optics, ultracold atomic gases, and Rydberg physics. Working in an experimental group like ours means you will be fully integrated in one of our lab teams and your project will be closely related to on-going research. If you are interested in one of the projects you see, or you would like to hear more about other options, do not hesitate to get in touch via email. You are also very welcome to simply visit our labs.

We offer Bachelor-projects both in the fall and spring semester, with start dates April 1st & October 1st. As we can only offer a limited number of projects in parallel, we recommend to contact as well in advance to your planned starting date.

Project ideas 2024/2025

Ultraprecise laser systems to create and manipulate Rydberg atoms

To connect ultracold Rydberg atoms to integrated photonic circuits, laser light at precisely defined optical frequencies is required to cool the atoms and excite them to Rydberg states. A key property of our hybrid quantum systems is the coherence time of the different constituents. For Rydberg atoms, this is usually determined by the lifetime of the atomic state (µs to ms) and the frequency bandwidth of the laser light used for manipulation. To maximize the coherence times, it is therefore very important to reduce the linewidth of the laser to values comparable to or below the natural linewidth of the Rydberg states.

In this project, you will build the laser systems required for both laser cooling and Rydberg excitation of the atoms. You will stabilize the frequency of the lasers to the resonances of an optical cavity with ultra-high finesse (> 15000). Using the Pound-Drever-Hall technique, we aim for linewidths in the order of 100 Hz, which corresponds to an accuracy of 10^-12 compared to the light frequency. You will be working with both state-of-the-art lasers and a commercially available optical resonator designed to experience almost no thermal drift when isolated from the environment in a vacuum chamber to provide a stable frequency reference.

What you will learn: Advanced optics skills, high-precision laser frequency stabilisation, diode and frequency converted lasers, optimisation of fast feedback loops

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Here, you can see the 480nm laser you will work with (top). It has to be frequency-stabilized to an ultra-high-finesse cavity (bottom) using the Pound-Drever-Hall technique.

Generation and control of tweezer-trap arrays for coupling Ytterbium superatoms to a nanofiber

In our new Ytterbium lab, we want to create a scalable array of so-called Rydberg superatoms - ultracold atomic clouds of the size similar to the Rydberg blockade radius acting as an effective two-level system with large coupling strengths for single photons. This will allow us to study collective light-matter interaction in regimes not yet explored.

Placing the superatoms around an optical nanofiber with sub-wavelength diameter exhibiting an extended evanescent field will allow strong, homogeneous coupling and scaling up the number as the system will not be limited by diffraction. For positioning the Ytterbium atomic clouds next to the nanofiber, and array of movable microscopic optical tweezer traps needs to be controlled with high precision with an acousto-optical deflector (AOD).

In this project, you will develop and characterize the setup for the generation of optical tweezer arrays with a two-axis AOD, driven by an FPGA-controlled frequency source. This involves planning, building and characterizing the AOD optical setup, as well as programming the control software. Finally, if possible, you will implement the AOD setup in the main experiment.

What you will learn: planning and building advanced optical setups, FPGA programming, thinking in frequency space, advanced atomic physics

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Schematic of the tweezer array for trapping Ytterbium atoms next to a nanofiber to generate collective light-matter interaction with superatoms.

Laser System for Interfacing Ultracold Ytterbium Atoms with a Nanofiber

In our new Ytterbium lab, we want to create a scalable array of so-called Rydberg superatoms - ultracold atomic clouds of the size similar to the Rydberg blockade radius acting as an effective two-level system with large coupling strengths for single photons. This will allow us to study collective light-matter interaction in regimes not yet explored.

Placing the superatoms around an optical nanofiber with sub-wavelength diameter exhibiting an extended evanescent field will allow strong, homogeneous coupling and scaling up the number as the system will not be limited by diffraction. For cooling, trapping and probing the atoms, precise control of laser light-fields is required.

In this project, you will build a laser system for laser-cooling Ytterbium atoms, Rydberg excitation and probing of the atomic ensembles. You will, of course, work closely with the PhD students and postdocs. In particular, you will learn how to tune and characterize top-end lasers, stabilize their frequency to an ultrastable reference cavity and stabilize their intensity.

What you will learn: Adjusting lasers, stabilization of laser frequencies and intensity, interfacing various electronic devices, cooling and trapping ultracold atoms, building and maintaining advanced optics-setups.

Drever, R. W. P.; Hall, J. L.; Kowalski, F. V.; Hough, J.; Ford, G. M.; Munley, A. J.; Ward, H. (June 1983). "Laser phase and frequency stabilization using an optical resonator" (PDF). Applied Physics B. 31 (2): 97–105Aufklapp-Text

Black, Eric D. (2001). "An introduction to Pound–Drever–Hall laser frequency stabilization" (PDF). Am J Phys. 69 (1): 79–87.

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A laser system similar to one you would be building.

3D laser-written membranes for cavity optomechanics

In the Fiber Cavity Optomechanics (FCO) lab we investigate the interaction between mechanical motion of 3D laser-written trampoline-like oscillators with photons of optical fiber cavity fields. This interaction allows to manipulate the mechanical properties of the oscillator via the photons (and vice-versa) on a fundamental level.

The flexibility of the laser-written fabrication allows to print complex mechanical geometries and multi-oscillator systems, but these printed oscillators typically entail somewhat poor mechanical and optical properties. In this project you will continue ongoing work to improve the system by e.g. optimizing the fabrication process, employing more exotic printing materials (“printing with glass”) or designing a cryogenic fiber microscope to cool down the mechanical oscillators.

What you will learn: Hands-on lab skills, fiber optics, 3D direct laser printing

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(Top) Cavity optomechanical system with 3D laser-written drum/membrane. Membrane noise imprinted onto cavity field allows to measure tiny (sub-nanometer) mechanical motion. (Bottom)

Probing the 5S-6P transition in rubidium

Exciting rubidium atoms to Rydberg states can be done with different two-laser combinations. These different schemes have different benefits. We have recently upgraded our laser collection with a 420 nm laser. This wavelength can drive transitions in rubidium between the ground state, 5S, and the second excited state, the 6P state. Combining this laser with a 1012 nm laser, it is possible to excite the rubidium atoms to Rydberg states in the so-called inverted scheme. In the future we want to implement this inverted scheme in combination with our magic wavelength lattice laser, which is exactly at 1012 nm. We want to use this combination to create Rydberg excitations and perform high-resolution spectroscopy of the Rydberg states.

To use the laser for actual experiments, it must be frequency stabilized. In this project you will work towards locking this laser to a rubidium spectroscopy cell using a home-built electro-optical modulator and modulation transfer spectroscopy. In this project you will learn advanced experimental skills, including working with lasers, and building electronics circuits.

If time allows, you will also work on introducing the laser in the main experimental setup and use it for Rydberg excitation. We hope that this laser will allow the Rydberg atoms to mediate nontrivial correlations between single photons.

What you will learn: Hands-on lab skills, advanced optics and electronics, working on feedback systems

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The 420 nm laser that you will work on in this experiment is the newest laser in our lab. In this project you will lock the laser with a homebuilt EOM that you will need to modify.

Design of second-generation hybrid atom chip

In the hybrid quantum optics project, we want to interface ultracold Rydberg atoms and superconducting quantum circuits including electromechanical oscillators that have resonance frequencies in the GHz regime. To interface these two systems an ultra-cold cloud of atoms is trapped closely above the surface of an atom chip that hosts the circuit. The first-generation chip that is going to be employed in the experiment features a classical microwave strip line resonator to study the interaction of Rydberg atoms with a classical resonator closely above the chip surface.

The goal of your project will be to design and integrate a second-generation atom chip into the experiment. The atom chip will have the capability to trap ultra-cold rubidium atoms at a controllable position above the chip surface and it will host an electromechanical oscillator close to its motional ground state enabling the study of large mechanical quantum system interacting with optically controlled ultra-cold Rydberg atoms.

What you will learn: Finite-Element Simulations, superconducting chip design, electromechanical oscillators, classical and quantum microwave circuits

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In the top and on the left are the design and simulation of the first chip generation. In the right figure you can see a simplified CAD of the atom chip layout you will work on. Additionally, the excitation laser beam (red) and trapped atom cloud (dark grey) are sketched.

Shaping the potential of the Rydberg EIT control beam

In the Ytterbium Experiment, we aim to study the nonlinear quantum optical effects via Rydberg EIT at the single photon level. Ytterbium is a particularly promising element for this work thanks to its narrow-linewidth (6s2)1S0 to (6s6p)3P1 transition that leads to lower Doppler temperatures.

After loading the laser-cooled Ytterbium atoms into a dipole trap, we realize the Rydberg EIT scheme by two-photon excitation with a weak probe (wavelength 399nm) and a strong control beam (wavelength 395nm). With Ytterbium, the similarity of the probe/control wavelengths has the advantage of a very low momentum transfer to polariton that is created. However, the proximity of the control light to resonance also generates a repulsive potential that causes loss of atoms from the dipole trap.

In this project you will work on techniques for shaping the potential of the control beam to reduce its detrimental effect. One option is to overlap another beam with same but attractive potential to compensate. Another option is to shape, with appropriate optics, the control light into a flat-top beam instead of a gaussian beam, such that the repulsive force would be homogeneous across the dipole trap.

What you will learn: Advanced atomic physics, Optical simulation software, planning and building advanced optics setups, optical simulation software

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Picture of the main YQO experiment with trapped ultracold Ytterbium atoms.

3D-printed mini-optics

3D-printing of optical elements is a growing research field. Printing miniaturized optical elements that can be attached directly to optical fibers would allow us to bring detection and addressing optics much closer to our ultracold atoms, that what we can do with conventional optics.

In this project you will work with a 3D laser-writing-system, printing miniaturized objectives in transparent polymer and attaching them to optical fibers. One core goal is to optimize the printing parameters for best performance, and to test the vacuum properties of your objectives.

What you will learn: Optics design and CAD-drawing, 3D printing with NanoScribe system

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Our first objectives printed with the nanoscribe. The objectives are only few mm in length.

You will also have the exclusive option to print a tiny statue of yourself that you can gift to someone you love <3

Creating a chain of multiple Rydberg superatom along single optical mode

A major goal in non-linear quantum optics is to manipulate few photon states. Two level emitters are the simplest system to facilitate this optical interaction. Our two-level emitters are tightly trapped Rubidium atoms which only allow a single excitation. The number of excitations is limited to one by the Rydberg blockade effect. So far, we measured the strong coupling of photons to a single so called superatom. The next experimental step is to create multiple superatoms along the optical single photon mode. Theory predicts a coupling between multiple two level emitters placed in a chain, that should be visible in the outgoing photon rate.

In this project you will join the Rubidium Quantum Optics team on their journey of creating these chains of Rydberg superatoms. You will help us on maintaining and upgrading the experiment. This spans from the preparation of cold atomic clouds inside our vacuum chamber, to analyzing data, and all the way to interpreting it for understanding our complex and interesting physics system.

What you will learn: Atomic physics, laser cooling, optical atom trapping, Rydberg interactions, photon correlations.

  • Jan Kumlin, Kevin Kleinbeck, Nina Stiesdal, Hannes Busche, Sebastian Hofferberth, and Hans Peter Büchler - “Nonexponential decay of a collective excitation in an atomic ensemble coupled to a one-dimensional waveguide” Phys. Rev. A 102, 063703 (2020)
Little drum
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Absorption image of 6 cold Rubidium clouds trapped in our vacuum chamber (top). Transmission rate of probe beam through a single superatom. You could help us to find out how the emission through a chain will look like (bottom).

Implementation of fast high voltage electronics to detect Ytterbium Rydberg atoms

In the Ytterbium Experiment, we aim to study the nonlinear quantum optical effects via Rydberg EIT at the single photon level. Ytterbium is a particularly promising element for this work thanks to its narrow-linewidth (6s2)1S0 to (6s6p)3P1 transition that leads to lower Doppler temperatures.

We have now loaded the laser cooled atoms into the dipole trap in which the next major step will take place: the realization of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in Rydberg atoms of Ytterbium.

Excitation of atoms into the Rydberg states needs precise control of the laser frequency, power and timing. The detection of Rydberg atoms in the system are done by ionizing the Rydberg atoms and guiding the electrons into a MCP (multichannel plate) by applying large voltages to a set of electrodes. In this project, you will implement and characterize the high voltage electronics and the fast switching box detect the Rydberg atoms.  Moreover, you will also work with the team towards realizing the Rydberg EIT.

What you will learn: Stabilization of laser frequencies, advanced optics, interfacing various electronic devices, high voltage electronics.

  • To be announced

The green MOT of ytterbium is the starting point for Rydberg excitations.

Rydberg atoms and mechanical oscillators in a cryostat

The goal of the hybrid quantum optics project is to realize hybrid quantum systems of ultracold Rydberg atoms which are interfaced with microwave electromechanical oscillators. In particular, we want to study the coupling between electromechanical oscillators near their quantum ground state. This requires cooling of macroscopic objects to just a few K using liquid He cryostats. Closed-cycle cryostats typically suffer from vibrations in the µm range that are induced during He compression and limited optical access due to the radiation shields which protect samples from blackbody radiation. Both of these are typically incompatible with ultracold atom experiments which rely on good access to control, manipulate, and detect them.

We are building a novel experimental platform that combines an ultracold atom setup with a commercial cryostat that provides a suitable environment for hybrid quantum systems of both ultracold Rydberg atoms and electromechanical microwave oscillators. For example, vibrations will be damped by a special vibration isolation system and atom trapping will be achieved with magnetic rather than optical traps. In this project, you will characterize crucial components and properties of the cryostat such as vibration insulation, the electrical performance of superconducting chips or the system’s cooling performance and join us in producing Rb Rydberg atoms in a 4 K environment and interfacing them with microwave resonators.

What you will learn: Cryogenics, optics, laser cooling and magnetic trapping of atoms, ultrahigh vacuum systems, Rydberg atoms…

  • M. Gao, Y.-X. Liu, and X.-B. Wang, “Coupling Rydberg atoms to superconducting qubits via nanomechanical resonator”, Phys. Rev. A 83, 022309 (2011)
  • R. Stevenson, J. Minář, S. Hofferberth, and I. Lesanovsky, “Prospects of charged-oscillator quantum-state generation with Rydberg atoms”, Phys. Rev. A 94, 043813 (2016)
  • Y. Chu, P. Kharel, W. H. Renninger, L. D. Burkhart, L. Frunzio, P. T. Rakich, R. J. Schoelkopf “Quantum acoustics with superconducting qubits”, Science 358, 199-202 (2017)
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Ultracold atom setup and cryostat on the optical table. Atoms are initially trapped in a MOT in the left part of the vacuum system and then transported into the cryostat at the right end of the table using magnetic fields.

Detection setup for orbital angular momentum beams

The strong interaction between Rydberg atoms modify the propagtion of photons transmitted through the medium. This leads to nontrivial photon correlations, but also to modification of the spatial mode of the light. Measuring these spatial modifications require a mode-sensitive detection setup.

In this project you will build such a setup and image different spatial modes of light, in particular modes with orbital angular momentum. You will investigate how to create the different modes with a spatial light modulator (SLM) and image them with a single-photon sensitive camera. Eventually, a second SLM will be used to distinguish between different modes of light, sending some mode contributions onto the camera and others onto a single photon detector.

What you will learn: Advanced optics, orbital angular momentum, spatial light modulator, single photon detection

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The SLM (top) is used to generate a phase pattern in a light beam. When the beam is focused down, the phase differences turn into an intensity pattern.

Designing a novel UHV cell for cold atom experiments.

In the Ytterbium Experiment, we aim to study the nonlinear quantum optical effects via Rydberg EIT at the single photon level. To realize these effects, a cold and dense (very large optical depth) ensemble of atoms is prepared with standard cold atom techniques such as magneto optical trapping (MOT) and optical dipole trap.

The science chamber in our current setup limits the fine control of the magnetic fields and the optical access. We are working on designing a new custom UHV cell to replace the current science chamber. The planned UHV cell has the following requirements, maintaining ultra-high vacuum of the order of 10-11 mbar or higher to minimize the background collisions and minimal thermal lensing.

The project is planned in two steps. First, you will design and optimize the UHV cell with Inventor – a CAD software and simulate the ion trajectories in the cell with COMSOL. Then you will learn and refine a specialized UHV gluing technique patented by IAP. Afterwards, you will test the UHV cell by integrating it into a test vacuum setup including baking up to 120 oC. Depending on your interests the project can be further extended. Once completed, we will integrate the new vacuum cell into the experimental setup and will transfer the technology into the future experiments.

What you will learn: CAD design, work with state of the art vacuum technology (residual gas analyzers, turbo-molecular pumps, non-evaporable getters etc.).

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The design of the novel glass cell aims to use UV fused silica viewports to minimize the thermal lensing and maintain 10-11 mbar ultra-high vacuum in the science chamber.

A fiber-cavity for embedding 2D semiconductors

Coupling an optically active material to an optical resonator can create new hybrid light-matter particles, called polaritons. Two-dimensional semiconductors are especially suited to realize such systems. In this master thesis, a fiber-cavity system, based on a flat substrate and a concave fiber mirror should be designed and constructed.

The concave fiber mirror will be fabricated on our Fiber shooting apparatus with the challenge of realizing a small-volume cavity. After that an atomically thin layer of semiconductor should be integrated with the goal to generate hybrid light-matter particles.


What you will learn: Laser ablation at our ML4Q Fiber (shooting) lab, mirror design for cavities, fabrication of van der Waals samples, design and building optics, cavity-QED & optics of semiconductors,

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Scanning electron microscope image of a high-power CO2-laser machined fiber end [Hunger et al., 2010].

Experiment control software for state-of-the-art quantum optics experiments

Experiments combining ultracold atoms and single photons to study fundamental aspects of quantum optics and to explore quantum technology applications require a large number of commercial and self-built individual devices - lasers, cameras, single-photon-detectors, optical elements, signal sources, data acquisition devices,... - to be precisely synchronized and ideally controlled through a user-friendly graphical interface (from the beach).

In the NQO group, a standardized solution used by our different labs as well as by others has been developed and maintained for years. Rapid progress in fast digital and analog control hardware now offer new opportunities that make it more sensible to develop a fully new version for the future. In particular, various open-source options now exist that can be co-developed with other research groups, but also adapted to our specific experiments.

For this project, we are looking for a programming enthusiast interested in joining such a development effort, which still is closely involved with the science and technology of a cold-atom experiment.

What you will learn: Developing & optimizing complex hardware/software interface and GUI, design concepts of complex experiment control setups, working on large-scale software projects, …and some experimental atomic & optical physics…

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The computer control is looking for YOU!

Shaping optical potentials for single atoms and Rydberg superatoms

Rydberg atoms offer an interesting platform to realize strong optical nonlinearities due to the long-range interactions between Rydberg atoms. These interactions can make small atomic ensembles in optical traps behave collectively like single emitters - socalled Rydberg Superatoms.

Very flexible optical dipole traps can be with for instance a Spatial Light Modulator (SLM). An SLM consists of a liquid crystal surface, which depending on an applied voltage alters the phase of a reflected laser beam. The different phases in the beam creates a holographic intensity pattern which can be used for a number of different applications, amongst others optical traps. This project focuses on the realization of such holographic traps with an SLM. Your task will be to design and build a testing setup to characterize the SLM itself, and the optical traps which can be realized with it, and then to implement your SLM-setup in the existing experiment.

What you will learn: Designing and building advanced optics setups, software-hardware interfacing, cool physics, thinking in Fourier space


Ultracold rubidium atoms in optical trapping potentials

Connectivity and Decoherence in Platforms for Quantum Computing and Simulation

Quantum many particle systems are spanning a Hilbert space which grows exponentially with the number of particles involved. To a large extent, it is this huge configuration space which holds the promise for the power of quantum computing and simulation through parallelism. Experimental platforms, on the other hand, have always limited access to this state space only.

This B.Sc. project aims at ordering and analyzing the interplay of connectivity (which and how many particles can be linked through interactions) and decoherence (the relaxation of quantum superposition states) for concrete physical platforms based on  screening and analyzing the literature.

What you will learn: This is a literature project for one or two bachelor students interested in obtaining an overview on current developments and challenges in the field of quantum technology. It will lay the groundwork for further theoretical and/or experimental work in your master studies.


Scaling up qubits formed of Rydberg superatoms

Latest research news
New paper published

The new paper titled Engineering Rydberg-pair interactions in divalent atoms with hyperfine-split ionization thresholds is now on arXiv.

Meet us at DPG!

We have multiple contributions and hope to see you at our posters or for our talks ✨

New paper published

Direct laser-written optomechanical membranes in fiber Fabry-Perot cavities is published in Nature Communications.

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