
Below you find an overview of the different outreach activities offered by the Nonlinear Quantum Optics group at university of Bonn.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch, we are looking forward to hearing from you.

Visit our labs

We are very happy to welcome visitors in our labs, both individual visitors, and school classes.
A laboratory visit can be combined with an introductory talk. Get in touch to hear more.

We come to you

We are happy to visit you, bringing quantum physics and funtamental research to classrooms and public events.

We have previously given popular science talks for broader audiences in for instance bars - our talks usually go well with a light beer.

Get in touch to hear more.

Single photon interferometer

The aim of the Nonlinear Quantum Optics group at University of Bonn is to gain control over light on quantum level - over single photons. With this demonstration experiment we allow the audience to explore the quantum nature of light. We show how an interference pattern is formed over time with an input of single photons.

We happily bring the interferometer to you, get in touch to hear more.

single photon interferometer from top.jpg
Most recent outreach news
Pint of Science Festival in Cologne

It was super nice to meet you there and show you our single photon interferometer! ✨

Girl's day in our labs

We are super happy that 50 girls from all of Germany joint for our Girl's Day lab tours.

Friday Light Talks in Berlin

Nina will give a talk at Friday Lights Talk at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, so pop by if you are in Berlin!

Virtual AMO Seminar 14th of April

Sebastian is scheduled to give a talk at the Virtual AMO Seminar on the 14th of April, so tune in and learn about what we do in our labs!

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