MINT-Tag für Schülerinnen
University of Bonn hosts MINT-day for girls in the 10th grade and up, and sign-up is now open.
MINT is short for mathematics, informatics, natural science and technology
See more on the event-page of the University:
Gian-Marco Schnüriger: new Postdoc in the Fiberlab
Gian-Marco Schnüriger starts his Postdoc position in the Fiber lab as part of our group and the group of Prof. Linden in Uni Bonn.
ML4Q&A Podcast
In this podcast, Sebastian talks about his journey through academia and about his research.
Samuel Germer: New Master student.
Sam will stay with us as a Master student
New Bachelor students
Johanna, Chris, Jeremy, Clara and Aylin will join our group as Bachelor students.
Women in Physics
We acknowledge the Manifesto for Values presented by Women for Quantum and the manifold problems and shortcomings in our community.